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Famous Examples Compare And Contrast -Essay Topics-
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Organizational Analysis Essay Sample free essay sample
Deliberation With the continuous impact of designing in our planetary monetary framework which has given many concern risks locally and globally. Other than remembered for this paper are probably the most applicable hypotheses that were utilized during the occasions industrialisation. Society. humankind and nature has been the enormously affected by this advancement and that is essentially the boss point of convergence of this paper. This paper other than gives review on the qualities and failings on the effect of framing into machine social orders. Hierarchical Analysis Presentation In this incredibly industrialized universe where machines. registering machines and its frameworks and procedures regularly works in the way we accomplish work. there are times that seeing how it influences individual human aspects each piece great as significance to condition is as yet fundamental. Like in the occasion on covering with the existent occupations. it is of import that people should in any case be allowed the chance to do utilized of individual judgment and examination in executing the existent occupation. We will compose a custom paper test on Authoritative Analysis Essay Sample or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page since simply thusly it can in any case regard human conclusions and how they can execute the occupation itself. On the earth. all association should other than be dependable bounty in executing earth benevolent endeavors that will non just proceed with nature however will other than help better the personal satisfaction. Yet there are different organizations that relegate occupations. like those in the creation line. where individuals are only expected to follow certain strategies and for the laborers. with the machines that are all around worked by a framework that runs by processing machines that are on the different manus created through a registering machine framework. the occupation gets advantageous for laborers. what they do is just to follow the creation line method and that is it. As the lack of judgments might be executed. there are times that frameworks may meet some human slip-ups. in any case, the activity is that it will in any case proceed to run. some human contemplations may non be associated with the framework technique and that is the boss point of convergence of this paper. Understanding the limitations and known occupations in association that actualizes machines and mechanically kept an eye on strategy will be the boss point of convergence of this paper. most extraordinarily for some organization they consider that set uping the system and utilizing the building is sufficient for them to express that it is the thing that the customers and even the workers must require to hold with the end goal for them to achieve effectivity in executing the required strategies however in truth there are as yet different factors inside the single setting each piece great as natural aspects that are influenced. Unthinking Organization have made its essence and got well known about 50 years back. where individuals and enterprises is going on what best way to better the system and flexibly more productivity. This was other than the clasp were the beginning of industrialisation age. where grown-up male and machines are the essential articulation of the monetary framework in that cut. This other than has come about to increasingly characterized occupations. methodology and engineerings. This was other than the clasp where the finish of bureaucratism is to secure high positioning functionaries inside the association. It was other than learned that during this robotic association where high expansion in the utilization that came about to high proficiency in the creation line. given the designing and methodology is acceptable placed in topographic point and operational. This solitary show that creation has grown a bunch and request were simple tended to as manufacture organizations consistently of fered better support and satisfactory creation units or flexibly for the market. There was simply two basic ominous judgment during these unthinking association and these are. chief. it needs better taking care of the worries and requests of its kin. furthermore, the second 1 is that despite the fact that these age has given stableness in the financial framework. there are times that the adjustment of requests like exorbitantly much expansion in the interest for creation is non any more drawn out accessible because of miss of flexibleness. ( Hofter. D. n. d. ) . Taylor’s Principle of Scientific Management From the beginning of 19Thursdaycentury humanism of bearing turns into a typical subject to each organization as associations get bringing down to go up against more noteworthy battles and heading occupations. This is mainly brought out by the interest for modification and the continuous advancement of industry. Organizations during that clasp are occurring ways on the most proficient method to choose employments the most ideal way. that is the reason it was other than the being of authorities and foundation came and began to flexibly help to organizations. Furthermore, this all beginnings in 1899 by the American Association of Industrial Management. followed by the American Management Association in 1923. National Association of Corporate Schools in 1913 and Industrial Relation Association of America in 1918 and in footings of bearing hypothesis is concern it was by and by the Society of the Advancement for Management was the most persuasive and most sure association that is being t apped by associations. These solitary shows that it was during these occasions were heading difficulties due toroarof industrialisation an interest for improvements are amazingly required. Radiating from the Society to Promote the Science of Management. framed in 1912. which changed its name in 1916 to the Taylor Society. to respect Frederick W. Taylor. It is Taylor’s work in making the hypothesis and example of logical bearing toward the start of the twentieth century that sets the stage for The Early Sociology of Management and Organizations. With Taylor’s assault of pull offing battles with in the association through logical assault like specifying the battles by providing some quantitative assault. has been the central key for the accomplishment for bearing. Also, his hypothesis was farther improved and upgraded as greater difficulties and battles get bringing down to affect ventures. With his innovation and heading contemplations joined. what's more included is his profound worry and review in the cultural network has extraordinarily impacts his hypothesis. It was an enormous aided for most enterprises each piece great as association in puting up the not all that entrenched hierarchical rules and methods. With the statement of battles through his standards of logical heading. it was simple for businesses to get by up with an issue that was during that cut a hinderance for advancement each piece great as individuals fulfillment. ( Thompson. K. A ; Taylor. F. 2003 ) . Gulick and Urwick Paper on Analytical Infrastructure and Focus on Major Subjects Another mainstream hypothesis that were even today has been extremely persuasive was taken from the reports of two of the most commended character in the focal point of 19Thursdaycentury and they are Gulick and Urwick. Their hypothesis was famously been called asthe reports for productiveness.It has been powerful in the today’s relatives challenge each piece great as future turns of events. Their hypothesis was mainly point of convergence on the logical control of removal comparable to open course. they are two significant development of the paper. first utilization of expository and methodological base and the second part relates to the significant subjects in cutting edge research. On the main region. the cardinal nations incorporates: kinds of hypotheses. capacity of qualities. cardinal direction to association. furthermore, the last one exchanges with the coordination. either opposite or level. The second development which relates to the significant subjects incorporates: rationale. fulfillment. driving and hierarchical civic establishments. grouped integrative developments. also, activity exploration and adjustment. In this paper it shows that hierarchical change and improvement may other than originate from both comprehension or providing investigative review each piece great as thinking about on the normal inspirational practices which were enrolled. ( Golembiewski. R. 1989 ) . Henry Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management and His 5 Elementss of Management Likely one of the most great very much idea of characters in the early history of bearing during the mechanical age was Henry Fayol. Henry Fayol was a well known Gallic course theoretician lived from 1841 to 1925. He was one of the best bearing theoreticians of all clasp. His 14 course governs are the undermentioned: ( 1 ) division of work. ( 2 ) approval. ( 3 ) subject. ( 4 ) respectability of offer. ( 5 ) respectability of way. ( 6 ) subjection of single association. ( 7 ) wage. ( 8 ) centralisation. ( 9 ) scalar link. ( 10 ) request. ( 11 ) value. ( 12 ) stableness of term of office of powers. ( 13 ) undertaking. what's more, ( 14 ) Esprit de Corps which represents inspiring the resolve of its representatives. These 14 principles were up to now being utilized and even improved all through the mature ages. His impact and rules were incredibly refreshing and it was the beginning of an enormous improvement toward the path society in his clasp. Modern advancement keeps on going ahead. He other than have set up and established the five boss components of heading. what's more, these are: ( 1 ) Prevoyance. which represents anticipation and program. ( 2 ) to frame. ( 3 ) to order. ( 4 ) to arrange and ( 5 ) to order. ( 14 Principles of Management †Henri Fayol. 2008 ) . The Effect of Neo-Industrial Organizing The facts demonstrate that for any association little stairss in adjustments ought to be done all together non to intrude on the present methodology furthermore non to result enormous figure of people in the organization. This solitary show that the main ground for some abrupt adjustment I
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Investigate the ways in which hip hop music appeals to male and female audiences
Research the manners by which hip bounce music offers to male and female crowds, concerning 50 penny's Amusement Park, endeavoring to represent its notoriety in spite of its misogynist portrayals of ladies In this article I will examine the manners by which hip jump melodies request to both male and female crowds, with explicit reference to Amusement Park (discharged May 8, 2007) by 50 penny (genuine name Curtis Jackson), and its music video. I will endeavor to represent the enormous fame of this craftsman, and others of the class, in spite of the clear sexism showed in his tunes. Right off the bat I will take a gander at how hip bounce has gone from fundamentally an underground wonder to having standard status, as described by Bakari Kitwana (2005). From when hip jump started, it was constantly a substitute culture for dark youths to go to. During the late 1980s monetary downturn, numerous Americans were all the while living in destitution: untalented specialists confronted more unfortunate wages than previously, bringing about a feeling of distance from standard America. In spite of the fact that they had accomplished equity in legitimate status, there were still a lot of monetary and social issues confronting dark youth. Not exclusively was hip bounce a creative method of communicating and making open these issues, yet in addition gave a feeling of culture those less special. Concerns could be voiced with the help of music and radio broadcasts, which, albeit essentially were by and for dark individuals, still a whole lot the white regular workers populace, who were additionally confronting comparable issues and experiencing a similar separation from the standard. In the late 80s ground-breaking dark symbols started rising, for example, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, and significant groups like Public Enemy who delivered ‘politically charged verses, analysis of the media, and dynamic enthusiasm for the worries of the African American community'1. It before long turned out to be difficult for white crowds to disregard hip bounce culture. The East-West coast quarrel between specialists from either side of America, prompting the possible killings of Tupac Shakur and the Notorious BIG additionally brought both urban issues and its music in to open light. Hoodlum rap was an overwhelming subgenre which was answerable for communicating stunning perspectives (prominently rap bunch N. You can peruse additionally Audience Adaptation Paper W. A. ‘s F*** tha police) and depicting the more rough and sexist side of hip jump culture. While it despite everything gets a ton of kickback, hip jump has become progressively standard and famous. One approach to represent the notoriety of â€Å"Amusement Park†is to take a gander at the portrayals of ladies in the video all alone, and to make inferences from those by themselves. The young ladies are appeared against a very moderate foundation, just with the â€Å"ride†which they are on. This puts the attention on to their bodies and faces, expanding our feeling of their sexuality. Both the shots of the young ladies and their postures are unequivocally built, as their stances are unnatural and arranged. They frequently look legitimately in to the camera, recommending an attention to the crowd's voyeuristic point of view. A shot which explicitly give a feeling of debasement is one in which a young lady is shot straightforwardly from over, her body wound unnaturally on the ground, looking on order as the camera centers around her. This interests to the male crowd by causing them to feel that the young lady is putting out her sexuality to serve the watchers I. e. he singular watcher. It may appear that this video is principally focused on guys nonetheless; the immense achievement of 50 penny in the standard suggests that his obvious sexism isn't just acknowledged however grasped by a huge crowd. One clarification is acknowledge the conviction of female sexuality being masochistic, and that the delight a female gets from the video is that of relating herself to the young ladies in the video who are getting a charge out of being a sexual item. Nonetheless, French women's activist Luce Irigaray questions the thought the conventional perspective on female sexuality: †¦ sign in the sexual fanciful of Western culture have consistently been a male dream; henceforth maschocism is something constrained on ladies by culture, not a quality inalienable inside them. Consequently, ladies don't characterize their own sexuality, want, or pleasure2. In the event that we remember the measure of rivalry that is around now in the hip bounce industry and the determination of media now promptly accessible, through the wide scope of music channel, and the generally late advancement of the capacity to watch music on destinations, for example, youtube and yippee, crowd could be said to turn out to be progressively dynamic in the manner they pick and consequently see their media. Taking Irigaray's point of view, female crowds don't really need to peruse the content in masochistic manner, and this widening of decision in their media permits them to take a substitute position on such messages: that of a progressively dynamic one. If so in any case, it doesn't really imply that female crowds dismiss Amusement Park, just that there is space to decipher the portrayals in a progressively unexpected manner and as I will talk about later on, the content itself supports this sort of perusing. The following issue I will take a gander at is the degree to which 50 penny is taken as a genuine good example by his crowds. His experience would infer that he is the generalization of criminal: his mom brought forth him at 15, was engaged with cocaine managing, and was killed at 23 years old. 50 penny himself started managing in break/cocaine and taking weapons to class. Before the arrival of his first collection with Columbia Records, he endure being shot multiple times, incorporating once in the mouth, which prompted him being dropped by the record organization. This would appear to be exceptionally unexpected, offered that to an enormous degree the possibility of a bona fide criminal was what selling rap records in any case (craftsmen, for example, Snoop Dogg, The Notorious B. I. G and Tupac Shakur had a background marked by wrongdoing and drugs; and the homicides of the last two assisted with getting hip bounce to predominant press). It is intriguing to ask whether it was the melodies that buyers were purchasing and keep on doing as such, (his presentation collection, get rich or pass on tryin' selling 12 million collections around the world) or the now glamorized picture of big name hoodlum which is as of now present, regardless of the way that he as of now lives in a $18,500,000 Mansion. He himself admits to the way that his picture depicted in his music is discrete from him as an individual: †¦ all the things I state are acceptable, in the event that you watch what I do. What I state on record is amusement; yet what I'm really doing with my life and the things I've had the chance to do is the thing that makes me inspiring3 Although clearly he has accomplished a lot for himself, in the media he once in a while communicates individual side, and even has made endeavors to fortify his hoodlum picture, and model being: I've been in circumstances where it is possible that it was me or another person, and I took care of my business. 4 (2003) However, in the later meeting he denies any presumptions: †¦ individuals partner me with weapon brutality, when I was the person who got shot5 This propose Curtis himself has a desire that crowds will have the option to recognize his picture depicted in the media, and an incredible truth, yet does little to check the negative pictures. It is safe to say that he is likewise being gullible in believing that the crowd will consequently understand this, and not model his savage and chauvinist verses? There is unmistakably a type of mindfulness in open crowds, both high contrast, as appeared by discoveries by the Black Youth Project: Over portion of adolescents between the ages of 15 †25 firmly concur with the explanation that â€Å"Rap music recordings depict Black ladies in terrible and hostile manners. 6 The colossal achievement of 50 penny be that as it may, appears to repudiate this, which would appear to suggest that crowds are in truth ready to isolate this sexism from the rapper himself. Notwithstanding, it could likewise be contended this is simply a method of pardoning such depictions. Thinking about the craftsma n's previous works, for example, Get in my vehicle containing the verses â€Å"I got no pickup lines/I remain on the granulate/I tell the diggers all the time/Bitch get in my car†and the exceptionally obscene music video for Disco Inferno, it is more enthusiastically to mess with such things. A broadly cited measurement is that 70% of hip bounce shoppers are in reality white. In spite of the fact that it is intriguing to take note of that no exact source has been refered to for this measurement, hip bounce is evidently a conspicuous piece of standard white music culture. Previously, when the class was a political move as much as it was a music type, a possibility for dark oppressed youth to voice their interests for the way of life, it was something that both highly contrasting individuals could comprehend according to their own lives. The present condition of hip bounce is that we ‘look through the keyhole into a vicious, provocative universe of â€Å"money, ho's and clothes†‘ as portrayed by Justin Ross (2007). This might be an exact depiction of the way that crowds see such recordings, given that 50 penny's music alludes to neither the genuine issues, past or present, of dark culture, nor to the existence which Curtis leads. It would likewise represent the general acknowledgment of these portrayals, if the crowd is removed based on what is appeared in the recordings: issues of sexism and viciousness are far less applicable outside dark urban culture and it is in this way simpler for a white shopper to take the recordings exclusively as amusement. It is additionally essential to recall that while most of hip bounce specialists are dark, it is dominatingly showcased and constrained by a white industry, as Bakari portrays (p46) in which the significance of a true portrayal of dark culture is of little significance contrasted and providing people in general with writings which they will purchase in to, as clearly the sex intrigue of the recordings is a significant angle. The following thing I will take a gander at is the degree of attention to t
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Taking a (Spring) Break
Taking a (Spring) Break I take my breaks seriously. Very seriously. In the past, I’ve written about using time off to prepare for the semester and even the value of taking time for yourself during the day to improve mental health. In this post, I’d like to talk about spring break in particular. This year for break I went to Outer Banks, North Carolina, with a few friends to enjoy the beach, explore, and relax. Arguably the most important components, however, were the number of emails I responded to (1) and the number of homework assignments I attempted (0). This a purposeful, critical step towards having a successful end to my semester. Me at the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Outer Banks, North Carolina. In the weeks leading up to break, I had taken particular care towards completing assignments ahead of time, as well as understanding exactly what would be due the week after the break. That way, after planning for it, I could work towards taking a full break when I went away. Being able to unplug was not only refreshing, but also a great way to recharge before heading into the challenging final month and a half of the semester. Im now also able to take a look at the work ahead with fresh eyes, and have even found that planning for the work ahead is easier after having taken this time off. As a college student, finding time to relax can be difficult (as there is always something you could be doing). I encourage you to value your personal time, especially when the university helps to plan it for you. Talk soon. Steven Class of 2019 I’m from New Canaan, Connecticut. I'm studying Management Entrepreneurship in the Gies College of Business and Political Science in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Heritage Assessment Essay - 1191 Words
Heritage Assessment Culture is a pattern of behavior and values shared by an ethnic group. Cultural heritage is a set of traditions within the culture that is hand down from the older generation to the younger generation within the family. These traditions influence the family’s decisions in relation to their diet, education, daily living activities, religious beliefs and practices and also health and illness beliefs. In this paper, the author will focus on the usefulness of applying a heritage assessment in evaluating the needs of a person as a whole. Three different cultures including authors will be discussed about the health maintenance, health promotion, and health restoration. The author will also evaluate health traditions which†¦show more content†¦According to the HAT, the author’s responses makes her close to her traditional practices and beliefs, she feels that even though they have been living in US for a long time, they are still connected to their traditional values and it affects them in making decisions about their every day living and also the health related decisions. Comparison of Three Different Cultures The optimal health is equally important in every culture, but the reaction towards situation requiring decision-making about health can be different in every culture. Muslim receives illness and death with patience and prayers. They consider illness as punishment for their sins. They also consider death as a part of a journey to meet God. However, they are strongly encouraged to seek medical help when required. The concept of health maintenance has a significant importance in Islam; there are some foods that are not permit like pork and alcohol. Cleanliness has a high importance. Circumcision of male infant is recommended. (, October, 17th 2012) Where as, in Hispanic and Mexican culture health maintenance is supported mainly by using folk medicine. Mexican believe their health problems may be a result of god’s will, or they may not have the resources for conventional care and turn only to traditional healers, such as curanderos, or herbal remedies to treat their ailments. (, ) There are other barriers for Mexicans toShow MoreRelatedHeritage Notation Assessment4283 Words  | 18 PagesThe affects of Heritage notation orders Detailed analysis 23rd April 2012 Contents Abstract Introduction What is Heritage Significance? What is a Heritage notation order? What are the benefits of heritage listing? What does a heritage listing entail? How is the community affected? What are the disadvantages of heritage listing? The role of local government planning. The role of the Commonwealth. The positive impact of heritage listing on value. The negative impact of heritage listing on valueRead MoreHeritage Assessment1510 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Heritage Assessment: Comparing Cultural Health Traditions Monica V. Poehner Grand Canyon University: Family Centered Health Promotion November 16, 2013 Heritage Assessment: Comparing Cultural Health Traditions Culture and heritage are the properties that make up a way of life for a specific population. As referenced by South African History Online (n.d.), â€Å"Culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of societyRead MoreHeritage Assessment1503 Words  | 7 Pageshead: THE HERITAGE ASSESSMENT OF HISPANIC, ASIAN AND The Heritage Assessment of Hispanic, Asian and African American Families B.Cohran Grand Canyon University The Heritage Assessment of Hispanic, Asian and African American Families The Heritage Assessment Tool (HST) is used to â€Å"investigate a given patient’s or your own ethnic, cultural, and religious heritage†¦it can help determine how deeply a given person identifies with a particular tradition†. ( This assessment of 29 questionsRead MoreHeritage Assessment1246 Words  | 5 PagesHeritage assessment Danielle Sumner Grand Canyon University Heritage assessment Introduction The Heritage Assessment Tool can be adopted as a dependable tool to gauge, health maintenance, restoration and safeguard of personal, cultural beliefs. The adoption of health assessment tool helps meet the prerequisites of diverse patient populations to offer quality all-inclusive care. The following paper reviews the assessment of three culturally dissimilar families, and demonstrate how a nurse wouldRead MoreHeritage Assessment1064 Words  | 5 PagesHeritage Assessment By, Genethia Guerrero Grand Canyon University: NRS-429V Family Health Promotion 04/17/2011 Jose Alejandro Every individual has a cultural heritage. Each culture views the world differently. Culture is an inherited characteristic and includes knowledge, beliefs, customs, skills, likes and dislikes. The fundamental role of cultural heritage is uniting, respecting the diversities and brings people together to face the future by informing, perceiving and give importance toRead MoreHeritage Assessment1611 Words  | 7 PagesThe Influence of Heritage on Current Culture Evaluation of how family subscribes to these traditions and practices is offered in detail, while offering insight and/or reflection.It is essential for nurses to provide culturally sensitive care to each and every patient in order to establish repor and maintain a safe working relationship with each individual. To provide culturally sensitive care to a nurses patient’s he or she must first assess their own beliefs, values, and culture at large. TheRead MoreHeritage Assessment1366 Words  | 6 PagesAs a measurement tool, heritage assessment helps a person appreciate further his cultural background, find strengths in his personality (based from his specific cultural background), and work on weaknesses that he has. Unlike other assessment tools, this is a quantitative-based approach aimed at threshing out a person’s family, religious and ethnic background that Influences the healthcare delivered to that person or to their culture The greater the number of the positiv e responses shows the person’sRead MoreHeritage Assessment1104 Words  | 5 PagesHeritage Assessment NRS-429V | Culture and Cultural Competency in Health Promotion John Thomas 3/24/13 The Heritage Assessment tool is primarily used as a device to evaluate health maintenance, health protection, and health restoration of a person’s cultural beliefs and values (Spector, 2006). This assessment helps aid in providing quality patient care in that it helps to meet and respect the needs of different types of people and their respective backgrounds (Spector, 2002). This particularRead MoreHeritage Assessment963 Words  | 4 PagesHeritage Assessment Tracie Bigelow Grand Canyon University: 429V Melinda Darling September 29, 2013 Heritage Assessment Culture is defined as the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society group place of time (Culture, 2013). The heritage assessment tool is a great method used to assess health maintenance, protection, and restoration of each individual’s cultural beliefs. The heritage assessment tool is often used by healthcare providers to help determine different culturalRead MoreHeritage Assessment968 Words  | 4 PagesHeritage Assessment Angel S. Winnie Grand Canyon University: NRS429V May 17, 2013 Heritage Assessment The heritage assessment tool is a checklist used by professionals to gain knowledge of patient’s culture and beliefs prior to initiating care. (Spector, 2000). There are many different cultures in this country, brining different beliefs in health, illness, recovery, death, and life. The heritage assessment tool is an important measure towards better understanding of cultural competency,
Saturday, May 9, 2020
What You Dont Know About Ged Practice Essay Test Topics
What You Don't Know About Ged Practice Essay Test Topics Mastering essay writing takes lots of practice and reading. You will learn that you're test-ready and you can conquer any argumentative essay topic. If you realize that you are stuck in regards to writing an essay, request a person's assistance to assist you proceed through writing an essay. Although there are a simple essay, and commence writing test centers on standardized tests. You have 45 minutes to make your essay. You'll have 45 minutes to finish your essay. You'll have 45 minutes to finish the essay. Taking a couple of minutes at the start to structure your essay can help you save you valuable writing time later. There's, obviously, a limit on the variety of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. When it's tricky to compose an essay in 45 minutes, start with taking more time. If you're enrolled already, just log into the study program online. An example may be choosing your favourite pastime and discussing the way that it benefits you. Sample GED Extended Response passages are all very much like the ones you will notice on your real exam prompt, so they work nicely for familiarizing yourself with the form of reading you will be asked to do. Write neatly so the test graders can easily read that which you have written. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Unlike the different parts of the exam, gaining scores for writing isn't objective, as the answers aren't concrete. The right selection of topic is very important. In reality, you are able to choose any topic which you find interesting. To begin with, you must realize that however much unpredictable the topic might be, practice still makes perfect sense. Otherwise, you are able to look around you and select an interesting social topic. What Does Ged Practice Essay Test Topics Mean? Studying for your GED test utilizing sample questions is among the best study practices it is possible to utilize. As you pay for homework, we provide those options at no cost. If you take a test on your very first day of study, you might be overwhelmed by the total amount of material covered and how much you must learn. Before you commence studying, figure out which test is given in your state. What You Don't Know About Ged Practice Essay Test Topics Your essay needs to have a very clear introduction, 2-3 paragraphs of body and an intriguing conclusion. Keep in mind you will not receive any marks for the outline. Thoroughly answer all regions of the essay prompt, along with the points you say in your introduction which you will discuss. Once you've got the outline ready, you merely should develop the ideas into paragraphs. How to Find Ged Practice Essay Test Topics on the Web Don't forget, you will want to support your primary idea with examples from the reading. In reality, very frequently you can select any topic you want and, for instance, write about your future expectations and career aspirations. You'll give evidence from the passage together with from your understanding and experience. You re expecting a particular subject. You have to persuade them, in a formal, professional tone your choice has become the most credible position, dependent on the evidence. You're not given a choice in regards to what sort of essay you will write. There are many GED-specific study guides that you may buy to further help you study and get ready for the essay section, along with the remainder of the test. Explain why you consider this man and this individual's qualities to be prosperous. Top Ged Practice Essay Test Topics Choices You start with asking a question, which is a great way to begin. If you want, highlight the crucial words and phrases in the stimulus to have the ability to look at it from time to time to make sure you adhere to the topic. You ought to choose the sort of topic that's appealing to you. Have a look at each question carefully and take a small time to work out the topic and what type of answer is going to be expected. If you believe you can't cope with the task you'd better request skilled support. Your success on GED test day is dependent not simply on the number of hours that you put into preparing, but in addition on whether you prepared the proper way. Then le ssen your time until it's possible to write faster. An interactive on-line preparation reviewed by expert group of wisdom and skills with it, interdisciplinary or standard equivalency testing. What You Must Know About Ged Practice Essay Test Topics Prompts differ from test to test, cover a number of topics, and aren't released beforehand. You do not have to register for the tests. The Basics of Ged Practice Essay Test Topics The GED asks test-takers to write on a number of subject issue. The GED is utilised to make a high school equivalency diploma. The GED really isn't the exact same as a high school diploma. Getting your GED doesn't have to be hard.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Modern Marriage The Ultimate Test Free Essays
Have the roles of men and women in marriage changed in modern society? There are many theories hoping to answer this controversial question. One theory comes from David Popenoe, a Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University. Popenoe’s theory of roles in marriage is that a modern marriage needs to be reestablished to a more traditional way of living, or to â€Å"restore the traditional nuclear family of bread-winning husband and full-time housewife that flourished in the 1950’s†(Page 186). We will write a custom essay sample on Modern Marriage: The Ultimate Test or any similar topic only for you Order Now Another theory comes from Karen Zittleman (Ph. D), an education author and teacher; who takes her theory of modern marriage and brings it to a younger generation. Zittleman’s theory of marriage roles is â€Å"in more ways than one, especially biologically, boys and girls are more similar than different and that gendered stereotypes and expectations have a developmental history that starts with learned notions of femininity and masculinity†(Page 236). Both Popenoe’s and Zittleman’s theories are factually effective. Popenoe opens his reading with a firm questioning on the role shift in modern marriage, and he manages to effectively back his claims throughout the essay. Zittleman also opens her reading strongly, jumping right to the point of her thesis and study. Zittleman uses studies conducted by other psychologists, statistics, and many factual statements. Popenoe uses studies conducted by other psychologists and many facts to support his thesis. However, Popenoe’s theory on such a controversial topic leaves very little or no room for ambiguity or interpretation while Zittleman leaves her theory open to her readers. Popenoe justifies his theory by first establishing the so-called confusion in today’s marital roles. He explains how the right family life of having â€Å" a legally and culturally dominant bread-winning husband and an economically dependent full-time housewife†(Page 186) has drastically changed to â€Å"much confusion over family expectations and marital gender roles†(Page 187). Throughout his study, he explained how there were three major downfalls for the shift in martial roles: broken families, women failing to juggle family and work life, and negative repercussions for men. After noting studies and works done by Bronfenbrenner and Bowlby, Popenoe discusses the biological attributions with the shift of family martial roles. Popenoe explains that â€Å"a stronger case should be presented at this time, one of declining family stability and personal well-being†(Page 193). With this, Popenoe reveals his â€Å"Seven Tenents for Establishing New Marital Norms,†which is a remedy for society’s confusion over marital gender-role expectations. Step one in his â€Å"Seven Tenents†explains how both girls and boys should be trained according to their abilities. Step two explains that young people should grow up with the expectation that they will marry once, and they will wait for marriage until they are in their late 20’s. Step three includes specific ages that are proper for men and women to marry. Step four explains that single men and women should start saving for their married lives. Step five infers that women are encouraged to leave the labor market once children are born. Step six explains that the father should take primary responsibility for the children after time with their mothers. Step seven infers the balancing of domestic and paid work. However, Zittleman would mostly disagree with Popenoe’s theory. In Zittleman’s study, she first justifies her theory by presenting two studies done by other psychologist on middle school children: â€Å"†¦ iddle school is a critical time for gender identity development†(Page 238). The first set of charts displays the sex and race of the students in 5 public middle schools. Zittleman reveals that â€Å"gender plays a significant role in the lives of middle school students, expanding some options, but more often limiting the acad emic and social development of females and males†(Page 241). Zittleman then reveals charts that convey answers that display â€Å"The best thing about being a boy and the best thing about being a girl. †â€Å"Both sexes had more positive things to say about being a boy than being a girl†(Page 241). Zittleman then proceeds to pose the questions, â€Å"What is the worst thing about being a boy and what is the worst thing about being a girl? †For boys, â€Å"they listed fighting, discipline, poor grades, fear of homophobia, and difficulty with friendships and emotions†(Page 241). For girls, â€Å"relational aggression†was the top answer for most, and that included gossip, spreading rumors and the trust in friends. Zittleman jumps to her main point of importance in educating schools about gender equity. Like many theories, there is always room for critique, especially a theory about such a controversial topic. One of the main downfalls of Popenoe’s essay was the overall structure and organization. For example, Popenoe opens his essay with an introduction that was not well fitted for a reader. Another organizational flaw in Popenoe’s essay is the lack of charts. Popenoe brings a lot of studies and facts to his piece, but there were too many studies placed together which could confuse some of his readers. Popenoe says that although decline in population is not an imminent problem, this trend displays the sentiment among many adults that they do not value having a family as a lifestyle that will â€Å"fulfill their major values. In addition to this trend, he correlates the increase in divorces as an indication of a decline in the value of family. He points to the fact that women are increasingly economically independent and therefore able to divorce. He points out that regardless of the fact that this decline is seen in the eyes of feminists as a gain in equality for women, it does not change the fact that it could be seen as the main cause of the breaking up of the nuclear family unit. Popenoe’s thesis and argument on the whole appear to be extremely obtuse. It seemed that he came at the issue through a very narrow track of research that did not take into account other societal problems that contribute to divorce and other reasons he cites for the shift in martial roles. Popenoe did a wonderful job when it came to finding facts and studies that proved his theory. Nevertheless, there were too many facts to register which depleted the essay’s effectiveness. Zittleman however faced a few challenges herself in her study of â€Å"Being a Girl and Being a Boy. †Like Popenoe, one of Zittleman’s main downfalls in her essay was the organization. Unlike Popenoe, Zittleman opened her essay with a personal study. Zittleman, also took advantage of using charts, but there were an overwhelming amount. Some studies in Zittleman’s essay really didn’t need to be represented in chart form; a simple written explanation would have been better for the readers. There were a few charts that were sometimes unclear to the readers. At times throughout their essays, both Popenoe and Zittleman became unaware of their audience, which could have explained the distorted views in Popenoe’s essay. It can be argued that Zittleman’s target audience could be students, but it mostly pertains to the professors and teachers. When it came to Popenoe, his target audience was rather confusing at times; I really couldn’t place a proper target audience for his essay. Both Popenoe’s and Zittleman’s essays try to answer the question of the shift of roles in modern marriage. Though Zittleman uses charts and Popenoe doesn’t, the styles in both works are best understood by an audience of pre-educated readers in this topic. After re-reading both studies done by both authors, heir area of study is similar, but the way they approached it was completely different. All in all, both Zittleman and Popenoe do a great job when it came to supporting their thesis. Zittleman achieved her goal as a writer when it came to appeasing for a wide range of audiences. Popenoe, however, focuses so much on proving his theory with facts that he fails to remember he has a wide vari ety of readers. Although I personally disagree with Popenoe’s theory, he still did a great job in supporting his work factually. How to cite Modern Marriage: The Ultimate Test, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Journeys End and A Long Long Way Essay Example
Journeys End and A Long Long Way Essay From the start, Sherriffs play Journeys End and Barrys novel A Long Long Way present two very different social class viewpoints of the Great War. Sherriffs play focuses on the viewpoint of the public school educated officers of the C Company and Barry presents his novel through the eyes of an ordinary Irish boy, Willie Dunne, who not having reached the height required for him to follow his father into the police force, opted to volunteer for the war. The biggest difference between both texts is the language. The novels narrative focalisation often shows the working class viewpoint of Willie whereas the play is full of public school register. The reader and the audience are aware, as a result of the difference in social class views and are provided with ample opportunities to compare the differences in both texts. Both the texts are a reflection of the times they were written. The play being written just after the war and during a time where theatre-going was a solely upper class phenomenon would not have been at all popular if it was focused on the lives of the working class soldiers rather than the lives of the officers. We will write a custom essay sample on Journeys End and A Long Long Way specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Journeys End and A Long Long Way specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Journeys End and A Long Long Way specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Similarly, the text being very much a modern novel makes use of social changes and therefore has no qualms about portraying the true nature of working class soldiers. Also, novels are not restricted to a particular social class of people, especially in this modern day and age, where the class differences have become increasingly blurred. The first few pages of both texts are an indication of the opinion of the respective writers as well as those portrayed in the texts. A Long Long Way starts with a dark and somewhat bleak picture of the streets of Dublin. With its rain-lashed streets and its cabmen huddling in their mucky gabardines it is the epitome of the harsh grind of working class life. The language is very earthy and realistic in the sense that it does not detract from the reality of the maternity ward in hospitals circa the late 19th century. The babies who cried like wounded cats in the laps of the nurses with their aprons of butchers in the hospital with its stony ox-skulls and draperies facade resembles in the readers mind the image of abattoirs. It is very much a working class setting for the reader to delve into. On the other hand, Journeys End could not be any more different. It starts off with a conversation between the outgoing company commander and the 2nd Lieutenant of the incoming company. It is filled with public school register and very controlled language. It most importantly displays the classic stiff upper lip nature of the British upper classes. Hardy commenting on the soldiers being frightfully annoyed with dirt in their tea after a bomb, is such an example. This is therefore an explicit illustration of the differences between social class within the interactions and the lives of the Officers and the ordinary men. Social class differences portrayed within the texts are also evident. Journeys End, a play from the Officers stance, is very much discriminatory towards the generally working class soldiers. The army in those days consisted of two groups, the Officers and the men. Stanhope is very insistent on the dividing line between the two groups. He, as part of the upper class system, seems to consider the loyal soldiers under his command as separate from his staff, comprising of the lieutenants. His objective view of the soldiers below him is what causes him to separate them and portray them to the audience as a completely different entity. His reference to the soldiers as the men as well as his incredulity at Raleigh feeding with the men is an illustration of his sense of superiority and separate nature from the common soldiers. Whereas, in Journeys End the commanding officers as well the lower ranking officers remain aloof and separate from the soldiers, A Long Long Way presents a much more humanitarian side to the company commanding officers. Captain Pasley accompanying Clancy, OHara and Willie for a swim in the river running through the reserve lines is something that the audience cannot picture Stanhope doing. The company captains in A Long Long Way are much more liberal. Talking about the big liming job as well as bawling out those happy words, Can you sling them on your shoulder Like a lousy fucking soldier Do your balls hang low? seems something common soldiers would sing about. However, it is Captains Pasley and Sheridan, respectively, who talk about the farming or sing songs that are popular with the men, with obvious enthusiasm. One observation that comes to mind is that in Journeys End the company officers are English, whereas in A Long Long Way the company commanders are Irish as well as the men. It would seem that the rural nature of Ireland was the overriding factor, that an Irishman coming out of Sandhurst would never be the same as a middle or upper-class Englishman. It can be seen within the two texts that social class differences even play a role in a persons sense of honour and duty. Journeys End being a play based on the experience of the officers in a company, one would have presumed that the sense of honour and duty would be prevalent throughout. However, this is not the case. We see that Hardy is not at all concerned with any proper sense of honour and duty. His duty to his country manifests itself in his enquiry about looking every inch the soldier. However, this is contrasted by Osbornes strong sense of duty. He is dutiful and very loyal to Stanhope while Hardy being the shirking type, incredulously remarks Osborne is fussy and God! you are a worker. This difference is seen within the same class system. Both of them are obviously not working class soldiers but their attitudes on honour and duty differ. It therefore stands to reason that there will be such differences, if not more contrasting ones, from either side of the line. The audience is not disappointed, but the differences are somewhat unexpected. Hibbert, an officer of the company, is a weak and ineffectually individual. From the start Sherriff immediately establishes him as someone that does not contribute fully to the team, and because of this, we do not feel sympathy for him. In contrast to this, Mason, a fighting soldier, acts as a cook and as well as a servant. He is evidently hard-working and keen to serve, and Osborne and Trotter discussing his dirty dishcloth also provides some light humour. Mason serves as a reminder that normal activities still need to continue, and his all-round good nature endears the audience to him. He obviously has no fears of stepping on to the front line from the relative safety of his dug-out kitchen. When Stanhope tells him to finish up in the kitchen and join the platoon in the line; his reply is a simple and straightforward very good, sir. Having seen the differences that an individuals social class can have on their outlook on not only life, but also how it affect their dealings with others as well as their commitment and contribution to life in the trench; it is obviously the case that the two social classes will behave differently. We see in A Long Long Way the true nature of the ordinary soldiers. The use of foul language as well as the very realistic portrayal of men dealing with their fellow men is most apparent in the interaction of Willie, Christy Moran the Sergeant Major and Pete OHara. The sexual realism that is portrayed, such as Willies need to masturbate to stop himself from exploding worse than any bomb is also a depiction of how the common soldiers behaved. The novels Sergeant Major, the highest ranking soldier amongst the men, is by far the truest soldier amongst his men. He is a full time soldier and as a result he sees no problem in using foul language on a frequent basis. Even the most simple of directions or observations have to be interspersed with a fucking or a shite. But despite the rough demeanour, the soldiers liked him, all the guff and gristle that he was. However, when this is compared to the captains of Willies company, it would seem that their behaviour is as varied as they themselves. Captain Pasley is portrayed as the typical upper-class officer. He is seemingly unaware of the risks that come with raising your head above the parapet with alarming indifference. However this could just be the typical bravado displayed by middle and upper-class men, who would suffer unbearably, sometimes for no good reason, rather than show any sign of weakness. His observation that the night and land are beautiful and of the river that he is sure is absolutely full of trout is all a caricature and Barry mocking his obvious public school upbringing. The other captain of the company, Captain Sheridan, is however vastly different. He has a very merry way about him and is insistent on keeping troop morale high. This he does by singing songs whilst on the march. He is sufficiently versed in the working class nature of the soldiers to enjoy singing Charlotte the Harlot and Do your Balls Hang Low. On the other hand, Sherriffs Journeys End does not at all mirror the way Barry has written his novel or his presentation of characters from two different social classes. The behaviour of the various characters within the play, compared to the novel, is very frigid. There is no interaction between the regular soldiers and the officers of the company. Trotter and Mason, both working class soldiers, although Trotter has been promoted to a Lieutenant, are in a sense breaths of fresh air amongst the very reserved atmosphere that can be felt within the dugout. As the plays central focus is on public school life, talk of rugby, cricket and schoolmasters, acts as a bond between the men. It helps the upper-class soldiers deal with the stresses of war if they think of the war as an extension of their public school-life. With public-schools at the time being single-sex establishments, the men having to live and work together in the small space of a dugout would not have been to fazed because they would have had undoubtedly shared rooms back in school. Such a shared background is clearly significant. Osborne measures distances by relating them to rugby fields and Raleigh relates his fatal injury to one he suffered whilst playing rugby. It is for them a way to escape from all the horrors of the war. As a result, it would seem that the rest of the officers stay aloof from either Trotter or Mason. To some extent, the separation between them and Mason is justifiable, in the sense that servant and officers dont mix. But Trotter, who is also an officer, cannot escape the stereotype associated with him by his public-school bred colleagues. He is seen by the others as a genuine sort of chap who makes things feel natural. Stanhope thinks he has no imagination and believes that Trotter is always the same or never get sick to death of everything. It is obvious that Trotter has come to terms with the slightly patronising behaviour and the presumed lack of intelligence he has to endure within the army. He shows his fierce commitment and loyalty when he is made second in command. He evidently feels honoured by the promotion and promises Stanhope that he will do his best and not let him down. The social class difference also transcends into the way the soldiers and officers talk to each other. In Journeys End, the two main working class characters are Mason and Trotter. Mason speaks in a Cockney accent and Sherriff indicates this through the spelling and dropped letter at both the beginning as well as the end of words. The meat that he serves at the beginning of the play has a noo shape and asnt got that smooth wet look that liver has. Trotter also speaks differently from the other officers. His use of the phrase I reckon where Raleigh and the others would you I suppose is a clear example of this. His exclamations are more frequent as well. They consist of damn and bloomin' as well as blinkin' whereas the other officers would say things like beastly, frightfully and, very rarely, damned. Another clear illustration of this is when Trotter comes to see Osborne just before the raid. His simple, yet crude rhymes contrast with Osbornes evocative references to Alice in Wonderland. Trotter declaims, Tell me, mother, what is that / That looks like strawberry jam? / Hush, hush my dear; tis only Pa / Run over by a tram with its obvious reference to death. While in contrast, Osborne talks of the gently smiling jaws of the little crocodile, with a more subdued indication of life and death. The two officers have different ways of expressing their response to the war. Where Trotter explicitly refers to the situation; Osborne, on the other hand, refers to it in a more controlled and implicit way, typical of most public-school characters. Moving away from the war for just a moment, it is clear that where in the trenches, social class played a major role in the way soldiers were treated by one another, it also meant that lives outside before the war were very different, to say the least. The rich upper-class, public-school educated boys would all have had their lives set out for them. For some, the war came as a welcome break from the monotonous and dreary, controlled and restrained lifestyle. For many, it was an adventure. It was a way for them to go and see the world. What also helped was the fact that many of these young lads had some sort of Combined Cadet Force training, very much in line with the old Imperial tradition. However, for the working-class men, some had no choice but to go. It was for them a way of not only gaining recognition but also a way of earning money to feed the hungry mouths within their homes. It was for some, a lifeline. It was a way to make something out of their lives. It would have been an amazing story to tell the grandchildren by the fire. Many went for aesthetic reasons, and had help making decisions from the countless pro-war propaganda campaigning that was going on. One such advert with the slogan, Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War, would have no doubt sent many a young father off to the War, some destined never to return. The life of the upper-class, public-school soldiers is clearly showed in Journeys End. Osborne was a schoolmaster who refereed Rugger games. His revelation that he played for the Harlequins as well as for England on one great occasion is greeted with an almost reverent Oh, but, good Lord! that must have been simply topping from Raleigh. In comparison, Willie from A Long Long Way is but a mere builder working for Dempsey, the most renowned construction contractor in Dublin. This again shows in full force the gap between the working-class soldiers and their public-school counterparts. In conclusion, it can be seen that social class differences played a major role in how men acted and were treated within the army. Both the texts have a wide variety of differences with regards to the social class differences within the soldiers of one company. However, it must be noted that in a way, the war made all that difference worthless. The great shadow of Death did no differentiate between who had a public-school upbringing in Eton or Repton and who was brought up on a farm or in the slums on the outskirts of Dublin. Perhaps this is why towards the end of the war the line dividing the public-schooled upper classes from the common working class man became increasingly blurred. This is shown in both texts, with Trotter, a working-class soldier, being promoted to second in command of the C Company; and in A Long Long Way, with Christy Moran being made the surrogate captain of the Dublin Fusiliers. At the start of the First World War, only men who were public-school educated could be commissioned officers. However, as can be seen from both texts, the class system was changing and the traditional officer class no longer existed. After the first year of the war, it became possible to gain promotion without having to be privately educated. It would seem that this is how Sherriff himself became a captain in the East Surrey regiment. But it did not stop there. After World War II, the people of Britain had become exasperated with the right-wing, middle-class dominated Conservative party. The political party of Churchill was overthrown by the people in favour of a more socialist party. A party, that was devoted to the fairness and equality that was demanded by so many of the people in Britain. This serves to illustrate exactly how social class attitudes can change in the face of trials and tragedy. Britain underwent a massive social change and in 1945, twelve weeks after the end of the War, the socialist, left-wing Labour party won the national election in an amazing landslide; such that it was equated to a political earthquake.
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